Vote for DA Candidate, Lornette Joseph, for Ward 27
Ward Candidate Profile
Name: Lornette Jayne Joseph
Wrad: Ward 27, Ekurhuleni
My name is Lornette Jayne Joseph, and I am the Democratic Alliance Ward 27 Candidate in Benoni, Ekurhuleni.
I am standing as the DA Ward Candidate because I want to be the voice in Council for those residents who feel they do not have a voice. I want to give back to my community by giving them the services that not only they pay for, but that they deserve.
As the current Ward Councillor, I know that our ward have a number of issues that still need to be addressed, such as:
- Water Tower
- Bad Roads and blocked stormwater drains
- Failing Electrical Infrastructure
- Parks department failing to maintain the pavement trees
- And The Hospital Street Dump needing to be a better waste facility for all
Currently, the ward an array of service delivery challenges, but my first priorities will be:-
The completion of the Northmead Water Tower and ensure that the Rand Water pipeline is completed and that the areas affected are reinstated.
Better and timeous service delivery, as it is not residents’ fault that the various departments are not doing their work.
I also want to start a process of monitoring and evaluation of service delivery work that has been carried out. For example: The roads that have been fixed, I want to start up a system that work is checked to make sure it was done correctly.
My vision for the ward is for all outstanding projects to be completed, to put things on the IDP that benefits the entire community and not just the few, and to get our service delivery standards improved as best I can in the framework that I have.
As the current Ward Councillor, I am very active on my WhatsApp and Telegram groups, which I will continue to run. I will continue to host street meetings, and will continue to engage and grow my relationships with various organisations such as the CPF, Residents Associations, Enclosures, Social groups, welfare, schools and churches. My relationship with the SAPS, EMS and EMPS along with the various council departments have grown from strength to strength, and I will continue to work hard with them.
I am passionate about service delivery and I believe we need to go to the basics, and I will continue to give transparent communication. I have taken on this position to make a difference, I lead with my heart and my head, and it will be an honour and a privilege to continue to serve the community of Ward 27 again.
Media Enquiries
Lornette Joseph