An Open Letter to the Executive Mayor of Ekurhuleni, Cllr. Mzwandile Masina
02 September 2021
Dear Mr. Mayor,
It is with utter disappointment that I am compelled to write this Open Letter and draw attention to the ANC-led City of Ekurhuleni’s (CoE) complete failure to deal with service delivery issues effectively and efficiently in Alberton.
Service delivery is at an all-time low in Alberton, and the poor waste collection, power outages, water interruptions, and sewer overflows can attest to this.
Mr. Mayor, climb off your ivory tower, remove your rose-tinted glasses, and look at the serious issues plaguing the residents of Alberton. Service delivery has completely collapsed, and Alberton residents are ready to revolt!
Let me draw your attention to some of the most pressing issues…
Incessant power outages have become a norm — not only in Alberton but in the entire City of Ekurhuleni (CoE). As the DA, we receive calls from residents and businesses, daily, expressing their anger at the frequency of power outages in this failing metro. These constant power outages have caused massive disruptions for residents and businesses alike. Residents are continuously left in the dark, while many of them are working from home and some are dependent on oxygen and nebulizers. Businesses in the area are forced to close shop, resulting in the loss of productivity and revenue.
Subsequently, the DA in Ekurhuleni tabled a motion before Council, requesting the ANC-led coalition* government to present a turnaround strategy to end unnecessary power outages in the City of Ekurhuleni (CoE).
Non-functional streetlights have also been an issue in the area. Often streetlights are off when they are supposed to be on, and on when they are supposed to be off and traffic lights are not much better. Faulty streetlights and traffic lights have been dysfunctional for extended periods of time, despite being reported to the CoE on several occasions.
Further aggravating these issues is the lack of meaningful communication or feedback from the delegated officials and the Energy Department. Information with regards to the cause of the power outages and turnaround times is never provided to Councillors and residents. When information is provided, it is done so begrudgingly because of DA Councillors’ persistence.
Moreover, Ward Councillors have become call centre agents because the Ekurhuleni Contact Call Centre and the My CoE App are seldom functional. Often the call centre line goes unanswered, and the app rarely logs faults correctly. Consequently, residents struggle to log service delivery issues, which places tremendous pressure on Ward Councillors.
When Alberton residents are not enduring days and weeks in darkness, they are subjected to massive and persistent sewer spillages and leaks. There has been an upsurge of sewerage leaks, and some areas are constantly flooded by raw sewer. Mr. Mayor, residents should not be expected to live in such unsanitary conditions, as they pose enormous health and safety threats.
Of more concern, densification and infill continues unabated without the upgrading of the City’s infrastructure. Ekurhuleni’s ailing sewer infrastructure is collapsing; the entire sewer system is compromised owing to ageing infrastructure and is unable to cope with the new developments in the City.
Alberton was one of the best kept towns in the CoE and is now in a state of total disrepair. Mr. Mayor, I am completely horrified and appalled by the continuous disregard of Alberton and its residents. Despite requests, motivations and project proposals to Council, maintenance, upkeep, and service delivery, has, sadly, continued to deteriorate.
I have been a resident of Alberton and a proud Councillor for 25 years. I have dedicated most of my time and effort to serving the community of Alberton to the best of my ability. I, now, find myself completely disheartened, ashamed and incredibly sad when I see the state of this once proud town. Mr. Mayor, the ANC and its coalition partners have failed the residents of Alberton.
According to you, the CoE is a ‘World Class City’. Yet, Ekurhuleni residents must live with constant power outages, persistent sewage in their homes and streets, little to no water supply, ailing infrastructure, and ill-maintained Council facilities. Is this your idea of a World-Class City, Mr. Mayor?
I have a suggestion, Mr. Mayor… Instead of focusing your energies on superfluous projects such as a zoo, a racetrack and Disneyland — why don’t you clean up and maintain your towns? You have your priorities all wrong and it is, sadly, the residents that bear the brunt of your poor leadership.
*ANC Coalition Partners: African Independent Congress (AIC), Pan Africanist Congress (PAC), Patriotic Alliance (PA) and Independent Ratepayers Association of South Africa (IRASA)
Ald. Bruna Haipel
DA Ward 106 Councillor in Ekurhuleni